Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Physical Environments Part 2

We had discussed in class how this issue could go either way, I believe that Lindsay would appreciate having the Office of Disability, either in the student center, or at least in a central part of campus.  Having this proximity sends her the nonverbal message that she is valued, that the office is readily available to her in a central location so that she can easily access her resources or address any issues.  Having the office in a central location also lessens any stigmas and serves as an artifact of the institution’s commitment to helping students with disabilities to succeed.
In line with satisfaction and retention, Lindsay would need to be able to feel involved with other students and faculty.  It would be important for buildings, such as the student center or residence halls, to have less crowded areas to study or interact with others.  Being more visually aware than hearing students, constant hustle and bustle of people moving around her as she’s trying to engage with others or her studies may be too distracting.  Also, since Lindsay, being raised by a hearing family, has learned to lip read as well as sign, when communicating with hearing individuals, it is essential that she can find soft architecture, allowing furniture to be maneuvered to face each other, allowing her to participate fully in her conversations.  These quieter areas with soft architecture provide her sociopital, functional, and flexible space to further her involvement with others.
This of course, is all hypothetical and “ideal”.  I need to look into what is truly available at Ohio State and Bowling Green.  I know that in the student center of Ohio State, there is definitely plenty of quieter areas with soft architecture.  Having never experienced any alarms in the Ohio Union, I’m unsure if they would provide that safety mechanism for her there.  I will need to do more in depth research on what other buildings, residence halls, and campus layout have to offer.

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